Plant Wellness Way EAM Foundations Course Videos

Videos from the Plant and Equipment Wellness Way Enterprise Asset Management training course delivered in 2011 in Charleston, USA

View the Plant and Equipment Wellness Way Enterprise Asset Management training course delivered in 2011 in Charleston, USA

This twenty Plant Wellness Way video series overviews key understandings of the Plant Wellness Way EAM methodology. The PWW video series was filmed early in the life of the methodology. You will see and learn the beginnings of PWW EAM. They explain the foundations on which the current enhanced PWW EAM life cycle methodology and its practices and templates are based. The knowledge and content in the video series are universally applicable to all physical assets and all organizations using plant, equipment, and machinery.

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Guarantee World Class Reliability Success for Yourself. Industrial and Manufacturing Wellness: The Complete Guide to Successful Enterprise Asset Management

Industrial and Manufacturing Wellness: The Complete Guide to Successful Enterprise Asset Management explains how to use system reliability engineering principles to design and build robust, reliable, and self-improving companies. This book explains how to develop and use integrated business systems to achieve optimal production performance and make operating fortunes.

Written by operating asset management expert Mike Sondalini, the book explains why and how Plant Wellness Way EAM methodology ensures engineering, operating, and business processes and workflows that get operational excellence.

Plant Wellness Way EAM is explained in Industrial and Manufacturing Wellness book

I have been focusing on RCM while at Toyota Motor Manufacturing NA. When I found Industrial Maintenance Wellness it bridged the gap between operational failures and component molecular failures. Mike’s process are excellent and the documents he has develop shows deep understanding of how components fail and how to prevent performance loss. I recommend it as part of a any library, for studies in reliability or team, as training tool it excels reducing the leaning curve.

Mike Burgett

United States