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All RCA PPT Slides in the 2-Day Training Course Root Cause Analysis PowerPoint Presentation

Complete RCA PPT With A Successful Failure Elimination Methodology Uses A Root Cause Analysis Problem Solving Process That Ends Troubles And Failures

A Root Cause Analysis PPT from 2-Day RCA Training Presentation Used World-Wide Teaches How To Properly Apply The RCA Problem Solving Process

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Download the entire world best practice 2-day Root Cause Analysis training presentation RCA PPT PowerPoint slide set.

You get the complete RCA PPT slide set with full details, explanations, and activities in an easy-to-follow Root Cause Analysis PPT presentation. The world-class RCA problem-solving training content and RCA training activities teach people and get them to practice exactly what to do.

Learn and teach the RCA problem-solving process with this Root Cause Analysis PPT and RCA Training Course Content. As well as the problem-solving RCA PPT, you get eight root cause analysis training activities to build your RCA problem-solving skills.

You learn all the ins and outs of the RCA process and its problem-solving investigative and RCA analysis tools. You learn successful and permanent root cause failure resolution in this Root Cause Analysis PPT training presentation. All the information and explanations you need to introduce a powerful and adaptable RCA method into your operation come with the Root Cause Analysis PPT training course materials. Full details of RCA problem solving are explained in the Root Cause Analysis PowerPoint presentation, the RCA training course book and the Root Cause Analysis training activity handouts.

You may have come across the acronym RCFA. It means Root Cause Failure Analysis. RCFA is used to specifically imply equipment failure analysis. Whereas RCA relates to all problems and failures.

How to Find and Fix Mistakes with Root Cause Analysis: Learn from Deming’s Wisdom

Here is some inspirational advice from the late quality guru W. Edwards Deming, “To find mistakes is not enough. It is necessary to find the cause behind the mistake and build a system that minimizes future mistakes.” Use this root cause analysis PowerPoint to understand what a successful RCA process requires.

The 2-day Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) training course takes your people through a simple and adaptable 8-step process to find and solve plant and equipment failures. As well as learning how to develop an accurate Cause and Effect Tree, the course includes practising the basic tools of root cause analysis and investigation—the ‘fishbone’ diagram, the 5-Why worksheet and the ‘Is-Is Not’ Table. The RCFA training course gives your people the additional tool of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for investigating equipment failures. 

This RCA training PPT delivers you a powerful, easy-to-use way to help your people solve operational problems and fix the defects in your plant, processes and machinery.

How to Train Your Team on Root Cause Analysis

This universal, standardised RCA process fits all people, departments and situations; from problems that affect the operation to problems that affect the company. The RCA methodology is used by everyone in the business. The same RCA training is given to everyone. It means people understand the same methodology and everyone applies the same RCA approach. This leads to a common language and your people can go into any RCA team and fit right in completely comfortably.

RCA: A Process that Adjusts to Your Needs and Challenges 

This RCA methodology is adaptable to the situation. You make it as big as you need to go. The Root Cause Analysis process is flexible and you take from it what you need. You pick the right tool for the job at hand. The RCA methodology is used in every failure situation throughout the operation and the business.

Also covered in the course is the ideal ‘5 Why’ root cause analysis methodology, incorporating the additional requirement to use actual evidence to prove the ‘why tree’ is correct. This prevents the common mistake of assuming that just because someone says an answer to a 5-Why question, the answer is right. The RCFA course coverage includes RCA team facilitation and RCA report writing, including prioritising recommendations by their ease of implementation and value to the operation.

The RCA PPT (PowerPoint) presentation is a key part of the plan to address the barriers to using RCA in your company

The Root Cause Analysis PPT presentation becomes a key part of your plan to introduce the proper use of RCA to people in your company. You use it to get the same important messages across to all personnel. The RCA PPT and training materials are well respected by users around the world. You can be sure that you have got a very powerful and persuasive RCA training presentation.

The content is especially useful for management, engineers and supervisors to view. Your management gets a fuller understanding of the scale of the changes, and an appreciation of the implications, of using an RCA methodology. The information you get lets you make it clear to key company people the necessary commitment required to make root cause analysis a successful normal business practice.

Problem-Solving Made Easy

You receive the RCA Training PowerPoint presentation for the two-day course and a comprehensive workbook with information and the activities covered during the root cause analysis training. The range of activities is extensive and takes attendees through the practical use of valuable root cause investigation and analysis tools that they become comfortable using. 

This root cause analysis training contains all the right content and explanations. You get a complete Root Cause Analysis PPT presentation and save yourself a huge amount of time and effort preparing the training materials from scratch. With this RCA training presentation, you will help your people to solve problems once-and-for-all all.

Root Cause Analysis Training PPT PowerPoint Presentation and RCA Training Course Workbook are from our two-day RCA/RCFA Problem Solving Training Course PowerPoint PPT Presentation. In the download are 131 Color PowerPoint slides, 8 RCA Training Team Activities, two with videos, and a 67 Page Workbook, plus free additional information and reading materials.

See Slides and Content

View a PDF document of sample slides from Day 1 of the course
Root Cause Failure Analysis Two-Day Training Course Day 1 Slides

View a PDF document of sample slides from Day 2 of the course
Root Cause Failure Analysis Two-Day Training Course Day 2 Slides

View a PDF document of the complete course content covered
RCFA 2-Day Training Course Content

View a PDF document of the RFCA Course Workbook Content
RCFA Training Course 67-Page Workbook Content


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